Your Wellness Professionals

Jaclyn S
Jaclyn has been a dancer all her life and is a firm believer in the idea of “Movement is Medicine.” As her dance career progressed, Jaclyn pursued other avenues to cross-train and fell in love with Pilates. She is certified through STOTT Pilates and uses her knowledge of the body from her training and dance background to create specialized routines for each individual she works with.
Jaclyn believes Pilates is more than just a workout. She sees it as a way of living and wants to help people become more aware of their bodies and in turn see that awareness spill over into their life. She focuses on infusing breathe, and proper form in her sessions to strengthen the mind-body connection of her clients, thus making them stronger, more aware individuals. Jaclyn wants to push her clients while making sure they feel safe and supported through the process.
Angie L
Angie Lu was born in California and raised in Taiwan. She is bilingual in English and Mandarin. She is a contemporary dancer with an MFA from NYU/Tisch School of the Arts.
As a dancer, Angie experienced her fair share of injuries. In the process of healing, she discovered her love of Pilates. She is certified as a Comprehensive Pilates Instructor through Balanced Body. She has a love of anatomy and wants to convey that Pilates is not only a hard work out but also an opportunity to learn about your body.
In class, she loves creating a positive environment. She teaches with humor and in a style that brightens up the session. Working with a neutral spine and connecting the mind and body are the main focus. On top of that, she balances with the three muscle contractions of Concentric, Eccentric, and Isometric in the movement.
Fun, Joy, and Learning are all you need!

Izzy T
Izzy Thier grew up bouncing from coast to coast between Connecticut and California. A lifelong dancer, she was first introduced to Pilates during her ballet training and it was love at first roll up. The physical and mental challenges that Pilates provides is extremely rewarding to her as both a student and a teacher. Her teaching philosophy is firmly grounded in finding and developing healthy movement patterns for every individual body. Her classes are challenging yet energizing and will have you leaving the studio feeling further connected with your mind and body. Izzy received her Comprehensive Pilates Teacher Training Certification through Gramercy Pilates NYC.
Brittany P
In 2018 Brittany received her 200 hour yoga certification in Rishikesh India. Yoga and mediation led her to getting certified by Balanced Body in movement principles, mat, and reformer Pilates. She has gone on to teach and curate classes at some of the biggest resorts and spas from New York to the Pocono Mountains. Staying current with Virtual and Pop up classes she was inspired to start her own form of movement she calls “Aerobyx,” a method of yoga infused with calisthenics combined with her own line of resistance bands.